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core fill grout

Core Fill Grout

In reinforced masonry, the SPEC MIX® Core Fill Grout is used to fill cells of concrete masonry units and horizontal bond beams as well as the cavities of composite masonry construction. Depending on the project specification, SPEC MIX Core Fill Grout is available in both Fine and Coarse mixtures. The Core Fill Grouts are a dry, preblended product containing cementitious materials and dried aggregates formulated for superior flow to fill masonry voids and optimal compressive strength while meeting ASTM C 476 and CSA A179 requirements for reinforced masonry construction. It is designed as a fluid, cohesive cementitious material used to bond together adjacent masonry units and steel reinforcement in the cores of the masonry units to the masonry assemblage, or to fill reinforced bond beams. Using SPEC MIX Core Fill Grout in conjunction with existing reinforcement will produce a structurally sound final wall system for reinforced masonry construction.


  • Fills cells of concrete masonry units and horizontal bond beams as well as the cavities of composite masonry construction
  • Available in both Fine and Course designs to meet various project specifications
  • Meets ASTM C 476 and CSA A179 requirements for reinforced masonry construction
  • Designed as a fluid, cohesive, cementitious material used to bond together adjacent masonry units and steel reinforcement to the masonry assemblage, or to fill reinforced bond beams.

Interested in this product? Please reach out to us to learn about availability and delivery options if needed.


ASTM C 476 Property Specifications (laboratory prepared)
Slump Strength (28 days min)
Coarse 8 in to 11 in (200 mm to 275 mm) 3,000 PSI (20.6 MPa)
Fine 8 in to 11 in (200 mm to 275 mm) 3,000 PSI (20.6 MPa)
CSA A179 Property Specifications (laboratory prepared)
Slump Strength (28 days min)
Coarse 8 in to 11 in (200 mm to 275 mm) 3,000 PSI (20.6 MPa)
Fine 8 in to 11 in (200 mm to 275 mm) 3,000 PSI (20.6 MPa)
Estimated Yields Per 80 lb (36.2 kg) BAG
Unit Size Blocks Filled Cores Filled
6 in (150 mm) Block 3.4 to 3.8 6.8 to 7.6
8 in (200 mm) Block 2.5 to 2.9 5.0 to 5.8
10 in (250 mm) Block 2.1 to 2.3 4.2 to 4.6
12 in (300 mm) Block 1.7 to 1.9 3.4 to 3.8
Note: The yields given above are approximate and depend on labor practices, site conditions and design of work. Yields include typical waste. Please contact our local representative for more specific yield information in your area.
Estimated Yields Per 3,000 lb (1,360.7 kg) BULK BAG
Unit Size Blocks Filled Cores Filled
6 in (150 mm) Block 125 to 142 255 to 285
8 in (200 mm) Block 93 to 110 185 to 218
10 in (250 mm) Block 78 to 85 155 to 170
12 in (300 mm) Block 63 to 70 128 to 140
Note: The yields given above are approximate and depend on labor practices, site conditions and design of work. Yields include typical waste. Please contact our local representative for more specific yield information in your area.


Grout Space Requirements
Grout Type (*1) Max. Grout Pour Height ft (m) Min. Width of Grout Space (*2, 3) , in. (mm) Min. Grout Spacing Dimensions for Grouting Cells of Hollow Units (*3, 4) in. x in. (mm x mm)
Fine 1 (0.30) ¾ (19.1) 1½ x 2 (38.1 x 50.8)
Fine 5 (1.52) 2 (50.8) 2 x 3 (50.8 x 76.2)
Fine 12 (3.66) 2½ (63.5) 2½ x 3 (63.5 x 76.2)
Fine 24 (7.32) 3 (76.2) 3 x 3 (76.2 x 76.2)
Coarse 1 (0.30) 1½ (38.1) 1½ x 3 (38.1 x 76.2)
Coarse 5 (1.52) 2 (50.8) 2½ x 3 (63.5 x 76.2)
Coarse 12 (3.66) 2½ (63.5) 3 x 3 (76.2 x 76.2)
Coarse 24 (7.32) 3 (76.2) 3 x 4 (76.2 x 102)
(*1) Fine and coarse grouts are defined in ASTM C 476 (ref. 2). (*2) For grouting between masonry wythes. (*3) Grout space dimension is the clear dimension between any masonry protrusion and shall be increased by the diameters of the horizontal bars within the cross section of the grout space. (*4) Area of vertical reinforcement shall not exceed 6 percent of the area of the grout space.